Since 2006, Community Clothing Assistance (CCA) has operated in Thunder Bay, Ontario.
To assist in the relief of poverty among families and people in crisis through community-supported clothing assistance programs.
To support all individuals and families in our community who are living in poverty or crisis, by providing free and affordably priced clothing, fostering dignity and hope.
Through our REFERRAL program, we supply over 72,000 pieces of free clothing each year to people in need! Partnering organizations refer clients to us, and those clients get to choose three sets of clothing for themselves. Clients can be eligible to receive clothing each season they remain in crisis!
The UNDERCOVER Program is an ongoing yearly project which provides seven pairs of new socks and underwear to children in-need aged 4 to 14.
Through our AFFORDABLE CLOTHING Program, the general public can find professional, high quality clothing to prepare for work or interviews. Prices are one-half than those at major thrift stores, so you can save that money for other necessities!
We provide a safe, positive, and relaxed environment for those eager to develop their skills. This is an ideal opportunity for students needing community service hours!